Over 1500 yoga asanas shortlisted to thwart patenting by foreign parties
http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/over-1500-yoga-asanas-shortlisted-to-thwart-patenting-by-foreign-parties/ Aug 9, 2015 The government decided to form the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, after the bitter experience of some MNCs claiming patents for neem and turmeric in the last two decades. Apart from trained yoga teachers, a team of AYUSH doctors would scrutinise the applications for a medical history and status to decide whether to allow them to attend the yoga sessions or not. - In a move that will help thwart attempts by foreign MNCs and individuals to get patents and trademark on ancient yoga techniques, the government has shortlisted over 1500 asanas and videographed over 250, classifying them as “traditional knowledge” of the country. The initiative will be a part of the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), a unit of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, which challenges cl